Korean Style Sushi

So my significant other Nicholas came to visit me here in South Korea for my spring vacation and one of the main things he wanted to do was try 산낙지 (san nac ge) or live octopus. Now I did mention this in my post forever ago Just Say Yes but I want to go into more detail about Korean sushi. 

Let's start off with Nicholas eating san nac ge for the first time!

Despite Jin-woo insisting Koreans use spoons, Nicholas is stubborn. Check out that set up, now imagine that is only round one.

We still had to eat round two...

...and round three.

With each round the waitresses covered out table with new wonderful, mostly raw, seafood. It was a gluten's paradise. I asked one of the waitresses how many dishes were served and she had to guess, maybe 40? Ugh it was amazing.

Now usually in Korea seafood is not expensive with many seafood soups offered at moderate to low priced restaurants. BUT this was Japanese/Korean fusion with a wide selection of raw (and a few still alive) dishes, quality is expensive. So if you are looking to not break the bank I wouldn't recommend this style yet for my night out with two of my favourite guys, it was worth it.