Weekly Photo : Jeonju Hanok Village

Pretty roofs. Very smart roofs, too. 

Tour Guide - 

전주 한옥 마을 (Jeonju Hanok Village) is a little town with a traditional Korean architecture theme on the edge of Jeonju City. A very good hybrid environment of old and new Korea with some western culture as well. One of the tall buildings (pictured on the left) is an old European-style church, also commonly seen in the early history of United States.

Most of these buildings are museums, playgrounds with traditional games, tea houses, restaurants and accessory or souvenir markets.

There's also an old palace for one of the main areas, which is now a museum.

This photo was taken at a cafe, which was also a European-style square building.

Jeonju is also known for Bibimbap. This town has a few of those restaurants. Twice the price than the average cheap Bibimbap, but there's certainly more stuff in it.

There's also one of the Jeonju's main shopping/dining areas known as 객사 (Gek Sa) within several blocks northeast of the village.

Young-Gun Park

Young-Gun Park has been studying various forms of visual arts for more than a decade and has been involved in various community arts projects. He has been a writer and photographer for GPTWT for more than a year. His future portfolio projects include work in cinematography and graphic novels. Read more.