David is... Going to Korea?

In five days, I will be flying to Korea. I do not speak any Korean. I've never lived outside the country, or even been on long international vacations. Aside from some slush in Tahoe once, I have not seen snow since I was two years old. So, when I say I am going to be living in Korea for six months in less than a week, what I mean is that I am on the precipice of a monumental adventure, for which I have little to no context or preparation. If this were not enough, I am also supposed to be teaching while I'm there. I am being plunged into a country with which I am unfamiliar, surrounded by people with whom I do not share a language, and separated from the world and people I know. It leaves me feeling like I know nothing, and it strikes me as strange that I am going there to teach.

This is what I see looking forward: uncertainty, confusion, and responsibility. Is it strange that I couldn't be more excited?